Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Big Boys Don't Pee

In order for Diesel to attend Nursery School, he needs to be potty trained. We did some of this in Maine. It went OK, but I never felt like we finished. And then we traveled home (a two day journey) and Diesel has been in diapers ever since. So this past weekend was Potty Training Time. We have 3 weeks to master this.

Potty training involves discussing that Big Boys don't pee in their underwear, or on the couch, or in the car, or on Mommy... You get the idea. Well, we had some accidents on Saturday. But Sunday, wow...no accidents! But also no pee. He held it all day and finally got rid of it when he slept that night. And on Monday - no accidents but also no "successes."

At this point I was getting worried that he was going to damage his kidney. He had definitely accepted that Big Boys don't pee. And if you don't go pee, you don't have to use a potty seat and you can keep playing. Going Potty could be seen as a big waste of time when there are more important things to do.

I admit to being impressed at his bladder control, but it was becoming obvious that I needed to teach him that big boys do pee - but only in the right places (as defined by Mommy and Daddy). He seems to be getting it better today, thank God. I think he'll be ready in time.

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