So today has been one of those days....
Our early morning visit to the doctor took half the morning. Timo is great but has a sore throat. Dylan hid behind the door so he wouldn't have to see his little brother get shots.
Meanwhile John took Diesel to get the county's approval for a "perk" test. What is a perk test, you ask. That's what they do to see if you are allowed to have a new leach field put in your property. A new leach field? Yes. The old one no longer works. So at the moment we have a big stinky hole in our back yard. But don't worry, Ma'am, I'm sure you'll get it all fixed before your tank starts overflowing all over your yard! John then called the septic guys to have them do the perk test. They will call the Health Department tomorrow morning. It should be scheduled in the next two weeks. And then, if we pass, we still have to have them install the new field...
So, my head ache is growing, my kids are cranky, but I still plug on. I make dinner, do some school with Dylan. Finally allow Dylan to paint a paper mache balloon he had made 2 weeks ago. As we are working, I hear Diesel moving around upstairs. He is awake from his nap, walking around in a shirt and diaper. He has been having some constipation problems lately, but milk of magnesia has finally come to the rescue. He is no longer screaming in pain every half an hour. Yeah! In fact he is really quite happy again. I go and check on him. He is a bit stinky, so I'll change him in a few minutes. I finish with Dylan, go get Diesel, whose long shirt is covering his bottom. I put him on the changing table only to realise that he has no diaper on his stinky bottom. He took it off. I have no idea when, where, or what he has sat on in the meantime. I have looked, but not found. I might let my foxhound sniff it out for me. He seems to like the smell.